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Watch and Give Thanks: A Reflection on Sirach 51:1-8; 5:12 and Matthew 25:1-13

As we find ourselves within the liturgical season following Epiphany, Holy Mother Church calls us to reflect on the theme of gratitude for divine deliverance and the need for vigilance in our spiritual lives. The readings from Sirach 51:1-8, Sirach 5:12, and Matthew 25:1-13 provide a profound meditation on these virtues, urging us to cultivate a heart of thanksgiving while remaining ever watchful for the coming of the Lord.

Gratitude for Deliverance: Sirach 51:1-8

The passage from Sirach is a hymn of thanksgiving, in which the sacred writer extols God’s mercy and protection:

“I will give glory to Thee, O Lord, O King, and I will praise Thee, O God my Savior. I give glory to Thy name: for Thou hast been a helper and protector to me.” (Sirach 51:1-2)

This prayer echoes the psalms of King David, who frequently praised God for delivering him from distress. The Church Fathers remind us that the soul’s natural response to God’s grace should be profound gratitude. St. Augustine teaches that “ingratitude is the enemy of the soul, for it closes the door to further grace.” (Sermo 59, 6)

The passage further describes the trials faced by the faithful soul:

“I was surrounded on every side, and there was no one to help me: I looked for the succor of men, and there was none.” (Sirach 51:7)

This verse foreshadows Christ’s Passion, where Our Lord too was abandoned, even by His closest disciples. St. John Chrysostom comments that when we are left without human aid, God’s providence shines all the brighter, for “it is when the help of men is withdrawn that the power of God is made manifest.” (Homily on Matthew 14:31)

Thus, Sirach teaches us that in moments of trial, our response should not be despair but a deeper trust in divine assistance. How often do we recognize God’s saving hand in our lives? Do we, like the sacred writer, turn to Him in heartfelt thanksgiving?

Guarding the Tongue: Sirach 5:12

“Be not hasty in thy tongue: and slack and remiss in thy works.” (Sirach 5:12)

The virtue of measured speech is an often-neglected aspect of the spiritual life. The Church Fathers warn against idle talk and rash speech, which can lead to sin. St. James echoes this wisdom:

“Let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger.” (James 1:19)

St. Ambrose exhorts us to cultivate silence and prudence in speech:

“Let thy speech be seasoned with wisdom, and not with much talking; for God is in heaven and thou art upon earth.” (De Officiis, I.4)

As we consider this verse, we must ask: do we guard our speech, ensuring that our words glorify God? Do we speak hastily, without considering the consequences?

Watchfulness and the Wise Virgins: Matthew 25:1-13

The Gospel passage presents the well-known parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Our Lord exhorts us to be prepared, for the Bridegroom comes at an hour we do not expect. The wise virgins represent those who are spiritually vigilant, keeping the oil of grace burning in their souls.

St. Gregory the Great explains:

“The lamps of the virgins are their good works, and the oil is the charity by which these works receive their light.” (Homilies on the Gospels, 12)

The foolish virgins failed not because they lacked lamps, but because they had no oil—that is, they had not persevered in charity and holiness. Their fate is tragic:

“And the door was shut.” (Matthew 25:10)

St. Augustine warns that “when the Bridegroom comes, there will be no time for preparation; the time for labor is now, the time for reward is then.” (Sermo 93, 4)

This parable challenges us: are we storing up oil for our lamps? Are we vigilant in prayer, in works of mercy, and in the state of our souls?

Conclusion: Gratitude and Watchfulness

The readings today invite us to gratitude and vigilance. Like the sacred writer of Sirach, we must recognize God’s saving hand and respond with thanksgiving. Like the wise virgins, we must keep watch, ensuring that we are always prepared for the coming of Christ.

Let us take to heart the words of St. John Chrysostom:

“What is the use of knowing when Christ will come, if we are not ready to receive Him? It is better to be always prepared than to seek knowledge of times and seasons.” (Homily on Matthew 77:2)

May we grow in gratitude and vigilance, so that when the Bridegroom comes, we may enter joyfully into His wedding feast.

Vigilate ergo, quia nescitis diem neque horam.
“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matthew 25:13)


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