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Tridentine Mass Readings December 24, 2023: Vigil of Christmas.



Ex 16:6-7
This day you shall know that the Lord will come, and save us: and in the morning you shall see His glory.
Ps 23:1
The Lord’s are the earth and its fullness; the world and those who dwell in it.
Glory Be to the Father…
This day you shall know that the Lord will come, and save us: and in the morning you shall see His glory.

Exod 16:6; 16:7
Hódie sciétis, quia véniet Dóminus et salvábit nos: et mane vidébitis glóriam ejus.
Ps 23:1
Dómini est terra, et plenitúdo ejus: orbis terrárum, et univérsi, qui hábitant in eo.
Glória Patri…
Hódie sciétis, quia véniet Dóminus et salvábit nos: et mane vidébitis glóriam ejus.



O God, You Who gladden us year after year with the expectation of our redemption, grant that we, who now welcome with joy Your only-begotten Son as our Redeemer, may also gaze upon Him without fear when He comes as our judge, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father…

Deus, qui nos redemptiónis nostræ ánnua exspectatióne lætíficas: præsta; ut Unigénitum tuum, quem Redemptórem læti suscípimus, veniéntem quoque Júdicem secúri videámus, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum:
Qui tecum…



Lesson from the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans
Rom 1:1-6
Paul, the servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an Apostle, set apart for the Gospel of God, which He had promised before-hand through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, concerning His Son Who was born to Him according to the flesh of the offspring of David; Who was foreordained Son of God by an act of power in keeping with the holiness of His spirit, by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through Whom we have received the grace of apostleship to bring about obedience to faith among all the nations for His name’s sake; among whom are you also called to be Jesus Christ’s, our Lord.

Lectio Epístolæ beati Pauli Apostoli ad Romános
Rom 1:1-6
Paulus, servus Jesu Christi, vocátus Apóstolus, segregátus in Evangélium Dei, quod ante promíserat per Prophétas suos in Scriptúris sanctis de Fílio suo, qui factus est ei ex sémine David secúndum carnem: qui prædestinátus est Fílius Dei in virtúte secúndum spíritum sanctificatiónis ex resurrectióne mortuórum Jesu Christi, Dómini nostri: per quem accépimus grátiam, et apostolátum ad obœdiéndum fídei in ómnibus géntibus pro nómine ejus, in quibus estis et vos vocáti Jesu Christi, Dómini nostri.



Exod 16:6-7
This day you shall know that the Lord will come and save us: and in the morning you shall see His glory.
Ps 79:2-3
℣. O Shepherd of Israel, hearken, O Guide of the flock of Joseph! From Your throne upon the Cherubim, shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasse.

Exod 16:6; 16:7
Hódie sciétis, quia véniet Dóminus et salvábit nos: et mane vidébitis glóriam ejus.
Ps 79:2-3
Qui regis Israël, inténde: qui dedúcis, velut ovem, Joseph: qui sedes super Chérubim, appáre coram Ephraim, Bénjamin, et Manásse.



Continuation ☩ of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew
Matt 1:18-21
When Mary, the Mother of Jesus, has been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. But Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wishing to expose her to reproach, was minded to put her away privately. But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Do not be afraid, Joseph, son of David, to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she shall bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins.

Sequéntia ☩ sancti Evangélii secundum Matthǽum.
Matt 1:18-21
Cum esset desponsáta Mater Jesu Maria Joseph, ántequam convenírent, inventa est in útero habens de Spiritu Sancto. Joseph autem, vir ejus, cum esset justus et nollet eam tradúcere, vóluit occúlte dimíttere eam. Hæc autem eo cogitánte, ecce, Angelus Dómini appáruit in somnis ei, dicens: Joseph, fili David, noli timére accípere Maríam cónjugem tuam: quod enim in ea natum est, de Spíritu Sancto est. Páriet autem fílium, et vocábis nomen ejus Jesum: ipse enim salvum fáciet pópulum suum a peccátis eórum.



Ps 23:7
Lift up, O gates, your lintels; reach up, you ancient portals, that the King of glory may come in.

Ps 23:7
Tóllite portas, principes, vestras: et elevámini, portæ æternáles, et introíbit Rex glóriæ.



Grant us, we beseech You, almighty God, that, as we anticipate the celebration of Your Son’s birthday, so we may joyfully receive His everlasting gifts.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father…

Da nobis, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut, sicut adoránda Fílii tui natalítia prævenímus, sic ejus múnera capiámus sempitérna gaudéntes:
Qui tecum…



It is truly meet and just, and profitable unto salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father Almighty, eternal God, through Christ, our Lord. Through whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominions adore it, the Powers are in awe. Which the heavens and the hosts of heaven together with the blessed Seraphim joyfully do magnify. And do Thou command that it be permitted us to join with them in confessing Thee, while we say with lowly praise:

Vere dignum et justum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus: per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Per quem majestátem tuam laudant Angeli, adórant Dominatiónes, tremunt Potestátes. Cæli cælorúmque Virtútes ac beáta Séraphim sócia exsultatióne concélebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut admítti jubeas, deprecámur, súpplici confessione dicéntes:



Isa 40:5
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all mankind shall see the salvation of our God.

Isa 40:5
Revelábitur glória Dómini: et vidébit omnis caro salutáre Dei nostri.



Grant us, we beseech You, O Lord, to begin a new life with this commemoration of the birth of Your only-begotten Son, Who gives us food and drink in His heavenly sacrament.
Through the same Christ our Lord…

Da nobis, quǽsumus, Dómine: unigéniti Fílii tui recensíta nativitáte respiráre; cujus cœlésti mystério páscimur et potámur.
Per eúndem…

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