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Tridentine Mass October 18, 2024: Feria VI after XXI Sunday after Pentecost


Ps 138:17
To me, Your friends, O God, are made exceedingly honorable; their principality is exceedingly strengthened.
Ps 138:1-2
O Lord, You have probed me and You know me; You know when I sit and when I stand.
Glory Be to the Father…
To me, Your friends, O God, are made exceedingly honorable; their principality is exceedingly strengthened.


O Lord, we beseech You, that Luke, Your holy Evangelist, who for the honor of Your name bore continually in his body the suffering of the cross, may intercede in our behalf.
Through our Lord…


Lesson from the second letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians
2 Cor. 8:16-24
Brethren: I give thanks to God, Who has inspired Titus with this same zeal for you. For not only has he accepted our exhortation, but being very zealous himself, he has gone to you of his own choice. And we have sent along with him the brother whose services to the gospel are praised in all the churches; and what is more, who was also appointed by the churches to travel with us in this work of grace which is being done by us, to the glory of the Lord and to show our own readiness. We are on our guard, lest anyone should slander us in the matter of our administration of this generous amount. For we take forethought for what is honorable, not only before God, but also in the sight of men. And we have sent with them also our brother, whom we have proved to be zealous often and in many things, but who now is more in earnest than ever, because of his great confidence in you, whether as regards Titus, who is my companion and fellow-worker among you, or as regards our brethren, the messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ. Give them therefore, in the sight of the church, a proof of your charity and of our boasting on your behalf.


Ps 18:5, 2
Through all the earth their voice resounds, and to the ends of the world, their message.
℣. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork. Alleluia, alleluia.
John 15:16
℣. I have chosen you out of the world, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain. Alleluia.


Continuation ☩ of the Holy Gospel according to Luke
Luke 10:1-9
At that time, the Lord appointed seventy-two others, and sent them forth two by two before Him into every town and place where He Himself was about to come. And He said to them, The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest. Go. Behold, I send you forth as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry neither purse, nor wallet, nor sandals, and greet no one on the way. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ And if a son of peace be there, your peace will rest upon him; but if not, it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they have; for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house. And whatever town you enter, and they receive you, eat what is set before you, and cure the sick who are there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God is at hand for you.’


Ps 138:17
To me, your friends, O God, are made exceedingly honorable; their principality is exceedingly strengthened.


By Your heavenly gifts, grant us, O Lord, we pray, to serve You with a free mind, so that the offerings we present, may, by the intercession of blessed Luke, Your Evangelist, lead us to heavenly glory.
Through our Lord…


of Apostles
It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, to entreat Thee humbly, O Lord, that Thou wouldst not desert Thy flock, O everlasting Shepherd, but, through Thy blessed Apostles, wouldst keep it under Thy constant protection; that it may be governed by those same rulers, whom as vicars of Thy work, Thou didst set over it to be its pastors. And therefore with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominations, and with all the hosts of the heavenly army, we sing the hymn of Thy glory, evermore saying:


Matt 19:28
You who have followed Me shall sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.


Grant, we beseech You, almighty God, that what we have received from Your holy altar may, by the prayers of Your blessed Evangelist, Luke, make our souls holy and thus keep us safe.
Through our Lord…

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