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Tridentine Mass March 18, 2025: Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam II in Quadragesima

Ante Missam
Ps 26:8; 26:9
Tibi dixit cor meum, quæsívi vultum tuum. vultum tuum, Dómine, requíram: ne avértas fáciem tuam a me.
Ps 26:1
Dóminus illuminátio mea, et salus mea: quem timébo?
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Tibi dixit cor meum, quæsívi vultum tuum. vultum tuum, Dómine, requíram: ne avértas fáciem tuam a me.
Ps 26:8-9
To You my heart speaks; You my glance seeks; Your presence, O Lord, I seek. Hide not Your face from me.
Ps 26:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
To You my heart speaks; You my glance seeks; Your presence, O Lord, I seek. Hide not Your face from me.
Pérfice, quǽsumus, Dómine, benígnus in nobis observántiæ sanctæ subsídium: ut, quæ te auctóre faciénda cognóvimus, te operánte impleámus.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.

Commemoratio S. Cyrilli Episcopi Hierosolymitani Ecclesiæ Doctoris
Da nobis, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus, beáto Cyríllo Pontífice intercedénte: te solum verum Deum, et quem misísti Iesum Christum ita cognóscere; ut inter oves, quæ vocem eius áudiunt, perpétuo connumerári mereámur.
Per eúndem Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Let us pray.
Mercifully help us, O Lord, to fulfill this holy observance, that by Your grace we may carry out those things which we have learned, on Your word, must be done.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.

Let us pray.
Commemoration S. Cyrilli Episc. Hierosolymitani Eccl. Doct.
Grant us, we beseech You, almighty God, through the intercession of the blessed Bishop Cyril, so to acknowledge You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent, that we may be found worthy to be forever numbered among the sheep who hear His voice.
Through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
Léctio libri Regum.
3 Reg 17:8-16
In diébus illis: Factus est sermo Dómini ad Elíam Thesbíten, dicens: Surge et vade in Saréphta Sidoniórum, et manébis ibi: præcépi enim ibi mulíeri víduæ, ut pascat te. Surréxit et ábiit in Saréphta. Cumque venísset ad portam civitátis, appáruit ei múlier vídua cólligens ligna, et vocávit eam, dixítque ei: Da mihi páululum aquæ in vase, ut bibam. Cumque illa pérgeret, ut afférret, clamávit post tergum eius, dicens: Affer mihi, óbsecro, et buccéllam panis in manu tua. Quæ respóndit: Vivit Dóminus, Deus tuus, quia non hábeo panem, nisi quantum pugíllus cápere potest farínæ in hýdria, et páululum ólei in lécytho: en, cóllige duo ligna, ut ingrédiar, et fáciam illum mihi et fílio meo, ut comedámus et moriámur. Ad quam Elías ait: Noli timére, sed vade, et fac, sicut dixísti: verúmtamen mihi primum fac de ipsa farínula subcinerícium panem párvulum, et affer ad me: tibi autem et fílio tuo fácies póstea. Hæc autem dicit Dóminus, Deus Israël: Hýdria farínæ non defíciet, nec lécythus ólei minuétur, usque ad diem, in qua Dóminus datúrus est plúviam super fáciem terræ. Quæ ábiit, et fecit iuxta verbum Elíæ: et comédit ipse et illa et domus eius: et ex illa die hýdria farínæ non defécit, et lécythus ólei non est imminútus, iuxta verbum Dómini, quod locútus fúerat in manu Elíæ.
℟. Deo grátias.
Lesson from the Book of Kings
3 Kings 17:8-16
In those days, the word of the Lord came to Elias the Thesbite, saying, Arise, and go to Sarepta of the Sidonians, and dwell there: for I have commanded a widow woman there to feed you. He arose, and went to Sarepta. And when he was come to the gate of the city, he saw the widow woman gathering sticks, and he called her, and said to her, Give me a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And when she was going to fetch it, he called after her, saying, Bring me also, I beseech you, a morsel of bread in your hand. And she answered, As the Lord your God lives, I have no bread, but only a handful of meal in a pot, and a little oil in a cruse. Behold I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die. And Elias said to her, Fear not, but go and do as you have said; but first make for me of the same meal a little hearth-cake, and bring it to me; and after make for yourself and your son. For thus says the Lord the God of Israel: ‘The pot of meal shall not waste, nor the cruse of oil be diminished, until the day wherein the Lord will give rain upon the face of the earth.’ She went, and did according to the word of Elias; and he ate, and she, and her house; and from that day the pot of meal wasted not, and the cruse of oil was not diminished, according to the word of the Lord, which He spoke in the hand of Elias.
℟. Thanks be to God.
Ps 54:23; 54:17; 54:18; 54:19
Iacta cogitátum tuum in Dómino, et ipse te enútriet.
℣. Dum clamárem ad Dóminum, exaudívit vocem meam ab his, qui appropínquant mihi.
Ps 54:23, 17-19.
Cast your care upon the Lord, and He will support you.
℣. When I called upon the Lord, He heard my voice from those who war against me.
Sequéntia + sancti Evangélii secúndum Matthǽum.
℟. Glória tibi, Dómine.
Matt 23:1-12
In illo témpore: Locútus est Iesus ad turbas et ad discípulos suos, dicens: Super cáthedram Móysi sedérunt scribæ et pharisǽi. Omnia ergo, quæcúmque díxerint vobis, serváte et fácite: secúndum ópera vero eórum nolíte fácere: dicunt enim, et non fáciunt. Alligant enim ónera grávia et importabília, et impónunt in húmeros hóminum: dígito autem suo nolunt ea movére. Omnia vero ópera sua fáciunt, ut videántur ab homínibus: dilátant enim phylactéria sua, et magníficant fímbrias. Amant autem primos recúbitus in cenis, et primas cáthedras in synagógis, et salutatiónes in foro, et vocári ab homínibus Rabbi. Vos autem nolíte vocári Rabbi: unus est enim Magíster vester, omnes autem vos fratres estis. Et patrem nolíte vocáre vobis super terram, unus est enim Pater vester, qui in cœlis est. Nec vocémini magístri: quia Magíster vester unus est, Christus. Qui maior est vestrum, erit miníster vester. Qui autem se exaltáverit, humiliábitur: et qui se humiliáverit, exaltábitur.
℟. Laus tibi, Christe.
S. Per Evangélica dicta, deleántur nostra delícta.
Continuation of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew
℟. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
Matt 23:1-12
At that time, Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying, The Scribes and the Pharisees have sat on the chair of Moses. All things, therefore, that they command you, observe and do. But do not act according to their works; for they talk but do nothing. And they bind together heavy and oppressive burdens, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but not with one finger of their own do they choose to move them. In fact, all their works they do in order to be seen by men; for they widen their phylacteries, and enlarge their tassels, and love the first places at suppers and the front seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the market place, and to be called by men ‘Rabbi.’ But do not you be called ‘Rabbi’; for one is your Master, and all you are brothers. And call no one on earth your father; for one is your Father, Who is in heaven. Neither be called masters; for one only is your Master, the Christ. He who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.
℟. Praise be to Thee, O Christ.
S. By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out.
Ps 50:3.
Miserére mei, Dómine, secúndum magnam misericórdiam tuam: dele, Dómine, iniquitátem meam.
Ps 50:3
Have mercy on me, O Lord, in the greatness of Your compassion; O Lord, wipe out my offense.
Sanctificatiónem tuam nobis, Dómine, his mystériis operáre placátus: quæ nos et a terrénis purget vítiis, et ad cœléstia dona perdúcat.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Commemoratio S. Cyrilli Episcopi Hierosolymitani Ecclesiæ Doctoris
Réspice, Dómine, immaculátam hóstiam, quam tibi offérimus: et præsta; ut, méritis beáti Pontíficis et Confessóris tui Cyrílli, eam mundo corde suscípere studeámus.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Through this sacrament, O Lord, graciously perform Your holy work, that it may cleanse us of earthly vices and bring us to heavenly rewards.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
Commemoration S. Cyrilli Episc. Hierosolymitani Eccl. Doct.
O Lord, look favorably upon the unblemished offering we present to You and grant that by the merits of Your blessed Bishop and Confessor Cyril, we may earnestly endeavor to receive it with a clean heart.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
de Quadragesima
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus: Qui corporáli ieiúnio vítia cómprimis, mentem élevas, virtútem largíris et prǽmia: per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Per quem maiestátem tuam laudant Angeli, adórant Dominatiónes, tremunt Potestátes. Cæli cælorúmque Virtútes, ac beáta Séraphim, sócia exsultatióne concélebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, ut admítti iúbeas, deprecámur, súpplici confessióne dicéntes:
It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God; Who by this bodily fast, dost curb our vices, dost lift up our minds and bestow on us strength and rewards; through Christ our Lord. Through whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worship it, the Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with these we entreat Thee that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted while we say with lowly praise:
Communicántes, et memóriam venerántes, in primis gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: sed et beáti Ioseph, eiúsdem Vírginis Sponsi,We pray in union with and honor the memory, especially of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: as also of the blessed Joseph, her Spouse,
Ps 9:2-3
Narrábo ómnia mirabília tua: lætábor, et exsultábo in te: psallam nómini tuo, Altíssime.
Ps 9:2-3
I will declare all Your wondrous deeds; I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, Most High.
Ut sacris, Dómine, reddámur digni munéribus: fac nos tuis, quǽsumus, semper obœdíre mandátis.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.

Commemoratio S. Cyrilli Episcopi Hierosolymitani Ecclesiæ Doctoris
Sacraménta Córporis et Sánguinis tui, quæ súmpsimus, Dómine Iesu Christe: beáti Cyrílli Pontíficis précibus, mentes et corda nostra sanctíficent; ut divínæ consórtes natúræ éffici mereámur:
Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre, in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.

Oratio super populum
Humiliáte cápita vestra Deo.
Propitiáre, Dómine, supplicatiónibus nostris, et animárum nostrárum medére languóribus: ut, remissióne percépta, in tua semper benedictióne lætámur.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Let us pray.
Grant us, O Lord, ever to obey Your commandments, that we may be worthy of Your sacred gifts.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.

Let us pray.
Commemoration S. Cyrilli Episc. Hierosolymitani Eccl. Doct.
O Lord, Jesus Christ, may the sacrament of Your Body and Blood which we have received, make holy our minds and hearts through the prayers of blessed Bishop Cyril, and thus make us worthy to become sharers of the divine nature.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
℟. Amen

Prayer over the people
Let us pray.
Bow your heads to God.
Mercifully heed our humble prayers, O Lord, and heal the weakness of our souls, that having obtained forgiveness, we may ever rejoice in Your blessing.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
Post Missam
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