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Title: Reflections on Wisdom and Discipleship: A Saturday After Easter

As we journey through the Easter season, the echoes of resurrection power still resound in our hearts and minds. It’s a time of reflection, renewal, and recalibration of our spiritual compass. In the spirit of the Saturday after Easter, let’s delve into the profound wisdom encapsulated in two passages: Wisdom 10:10-14 and Luke 14:26-33.

Wisdom 10:10-14 paints a vivid picture of divine wisdom guiding and preserving the righteous through tumultuous times. It speaks of the wisdom that delivered the righteous from perished nations, making them wanderers in a barren wilderness. This wisdom, depicted as a pillar of cloud by day and a fire by night, illuminated their path and shielded them from harm. In our own lives, we often find ourselves navigating through desolate landscapes, facing trials and uncertainties. Yet, like the righteous of old, we are called to trust in the guiding light of divine wisdom, which leads us with unfailing grace and protection.

Luke 14:26-33 presents a challenging discourse on the cost of discipleship. Jesus urges his followers to prioritize their allegiance to him above all else, even above family ties and personal ambitions. He illustrates this with the analogy of a builder who calculates the cost before embarking on a construction project or a king who assesses his army’s strength before going to war. Similarly, discipleship demands careful consideration and commitment. It requires us to count the cost, to relinquish our attachments to worldly comforts and ambitions, and to wholeheartedly follow Christ, even when the path is arduous and the sacrifices great.

As we reflect on these passages in the wake of Easter, we are reminded of the paradoxical nature of discipleship. It is both a journey illuminated by divine wisdom and a path marked by sacrificial commitment. The wisdom of God guides us through life’s trials, offering solace and direction amid uncertainty. Yet, it also calls us to relinquish our own plans and desires, surrendering ourselves wholly to the will of God.

On this Saturday after Easter, let us pause to ponder the profound implications of these passages in our lives. How are we allowing divine wisdom to illuminate our path? Are we willing to count the cost of discipleship and follow Christ, even when it requires us to relinquish our own agendas? May we find the courage and conviction to walk in the wisdom of God and the commitment of true discipleship, trusting that he who has called us is faithful to sustain us every step of the way.

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