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The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary: A Reflection

In the rich tapestry of Catholic tradition, the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary stands as a profound testament to her pivotal role in the divine economy of salvation. This feast is a recognition of Mary’s unique position as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Drawing from the writings of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, one of the great Marian theologians, we delve deeper into the significance of this title and what it means for the faithful.

The Foundation of Mary’s Queenship

Saint Alphonsus Liguori, in his classic work “The Glories of Mary,” presents a compelling case for the Queenship of Mary. He asserts that Mary’s role as Queen is inherently linked to her role as the Mother of God. Liguori states, “Since the flesh of Mary was never separated from Jesus, how can we, by separating Mary from Jesus, without injury to the faith, take away that which is hers by a right given to her by God, who willed that the flesh of Mary should be made His?”

This intimate connection with Christ is the bedrock of Mary’s Queenship. Just as Christ is King by virtue of His divine and human natures, Mary is Queen by virtue of her divine maternity. She participates in the royal dignity of her Son, reigning with Him in the heavenly court.

The Role of the Queen Mother

In ancient Israel, the queen mother, or “Gebirah,” held a place of great honor and influence in the king’s court. Similarly, Mary, as the Mother of the King of Kings, holds an exalted position in the heavenly realm. Saint Alphonsus eloquently describes this relationship: “Jesus, who came into the world to redeem mankind, was pleased that His Blessed Mother should be present at every stage of His redemptive work, sharing in His sufferings, and thus co-operating in the redemption of the world. As Queen of Martyrs, Mary stands by the cross of her Son, offering her own sufferings in union with His.”

This participation in the redemptive mission of Christ further solidifies Mary’s role as Queen. Her co-operation with God’s plan extends beyond the mere biological act of motherhood; it encompasses a spiritual motherhood that includes her intercessory power and maternal care for all believers.

The Power and Mercy of the Queen

Saint Alphonsus also emphasizes the merciful aspect of Mary’s Queenship. He writes, “The kingdom of heaven is precisely the kingdom of mercy and love, given by the Lord to His beloved Mother.” As Queen, Mary exercises her royal prerogative by dispensing graces and interceding for her children. Her reign is characterized not by power in a worldly sense, but by a profound and tender mercy that seeks the salvation of souls.

Mary’s Queenship is thus a source of great hope and comfort for the faithful. Her maternal intercession is powerful, and her compassion is boundless. As Saint Alphonsus notes, “We cannot doubt, since the mother of the King of kings is raised to the highest dignity, that she must also have received the greatest power to help us.”

Devotion to Our Queen

In honoring Mary as our Queen, we acknowledge her unique role in God’s plan and her powerful intercession. This devotion is not merely an act of piety but a profound recognition of the divine order established by God. By turning to Mary, we are led closer to Christ, for she always points us towards her Son.

Saint Alphonsus encourages the faithful to trust in Mary’s intercession: “In all our trials, in all our miseries, let us not fail to turn to the compassionate heart of our Queen and Mother. She will surely listen to our prayers and obtain for us the grace and strength we need.”


The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a feast that invites us to reflect on the deep mysteries of our faith and the special role of Mary in the divine plan. Through the insightful writings of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, we gain a deeper appreciation of Mary’s royal dignity and her merciful intercession. As we honor her as our Queen, we are reminded of her powerful role in leading us to Christ and her unwavering commitment to our salvation.

Let us, therefore, approach our Queen with confidence and devotion, seeking her intercession and imitating her virtues, so that we too may share in the eternal kingdom of her Son.

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