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The Mystical Creation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Insights from Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda

In the mystical realms of Christian spirituality, few figures stand as luminously as the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her unique role in salvation history is a subject of deep reverence and wonder. Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda, a 17th-century Franciscan abbess, offers us profound insights into the creation and significance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her seminal work, “The Mystical City of God.” Let’s embark on a journey through these mystical revelations to understand the divine orchestration in the creation of Mary.

Divine Precision in Mary’s Formation:

God’s meticulous care in forming Mary’s body was an act of extraordinary grace. As Venerable Mary of Ágreda describes, this process surpassed all of creation, both spiritual and corporeal. Mary was destined to exceed all creatures in perfection, a testament to her unique role in the divine plan.

The Soul of Mary: A Divine Pronouncement:

At the very moment of Mary’s soul’s creation and infusion, the Holy Trinity declared a profound expression of love. This soul, filled with an unparalleled abundance of grace and gifts, exceeded even the highest seraphim in heaven. From her very first instant, Mary was enveloped in God’s unceasing light, friendship, and love.

Mary’s Universal Queenship:

In a celestial agreement, the Holy Trinity conferred upon Mary the role of Queen and Mistress of all creation. This bestowed upon her the divine right to distribute the treasures of God’s mercy, making her a central figure in the dispensation of divine grace.

Angelic Veneration:

The angels themselves recognized and honored Mary as the future Mother of the Word. They revered her as their Queen and Mistress, understanding the profound mysteries associated with her divine role.

Mary’s Mediatorial Onset:

Remarkably, Mary’s journey as a mediator and intercessor began at the instant of her existence. She was acutely aware of humanity’s fall and immediately sought to intercede for mankind, embodying her future role as a mediator between God and humanity.

Endowed with Heavenly Gifts:

From her conception, Mary was endowed with all necessary graces and gifts, elevating her to the pinnacle of human and spiritual beauty. Her knowledge and virtues were unparalleled, reflecting the divine intention for her as the Mother of the Son of God.

Preparing the Path:

God’s enlightenment extended to Mary’s own mother, preparing her for the extraordinary role of giving birth to the one who was to be the Mother of God. This preparation highlights the intricate divine plan surrounding Mary’s earthly life.


The Blessed Virgin Mary’s creation, as revealed through the mystical experiences of Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda, opens a window into the profound depths of God’s plan for humanity. Her unique role, marked by divine favor and celestial purpose, continues to inspire and guide the faithful. As we reflect on these mystical insights, we are invited to deepen our understanding and devotion to Mary, recognizing her pivotal role in the story of salvation.


In contemplating these mystical revelations, we are reminded of the boundless love and meticulous care God invests in each of us. Mary’s journey, marked by divine grace and purpose, is a beacon of hope and a testament to the profound love at the heart of creation. Let us seek to emulate her virtues and openness to God’s will in our own lives, drawing ever closer to the divine mystery that she so perfectly embodies.

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