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The Harmonious Path: A Thomistic-Mystical Guide for Discerning the Priesthood

In the journey of discerning the priesthood, drawing from both Thomistic and mystical traditions can provide a rich and balanced approach. St. Thomas Aquinas and Thomas à Kempis, two giants of medieval Catholic theology, offer unique perspectives that, when harmonized, create a holistic guide for young men navigating the call to priesthood.

Foundations in Thomistic Reasoning:

St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, provides a solid intellectual foundation. Begin by delving into the “Summa Theologica,” exploring the theological and philosophical insights that characterize Thomistic thought. Understand the importance of reason and faith working together in discerning God’s will for your life.

Virtues and Moral Theology:

Thomistic theology places a strong emphasis on virtues. Explore Aquinas’ teachings on virtues like humility, prudence, and fortitude. These virtues form the bedrock of a priestly vocation, enabling individuals to navigate the challenges of serving others in imitation of Christ.

Interior Life and Mystical Insights:

Now, complement the intellectual journey with insights from Thomas à Kempis’ “The Imitation of Christ.” Dive into the mystical aspects of the spiritual life, cultivating a deep interior relationship with Christ through prayer, contemplation, and detachment from worldly distractions. Thomas à Kempis’ mystical approach encourages a profound personal connection with God.

Balancing Contemplation and Action:

Merge the contemplative and active dimensions. St. Thomas Aquinas’ scholastic rigor guides your intellectual pursuits, while Thomas à Kempis’ mystical wisdom encourages you to translate this knowledge into a lived experience. Strive for a harmonious balance between prayerful contemplation and practical application.

Discernment through Silence:

Both traditions highlight the importance of silence. In the stillness of prayer and contemplation, discern the whispers of God’s call. Silence becomes a sacred space where Thomistic reason and mystical intimacy converge, aiding in the discernment process.

Spiritual Directors and Mentors:

Seek guidance from spiritual directors who appreciate the richness of both traditions. A wise spiritual mentor can help you navigate the complexities of discernment, drawing upon Thomistic clarity and mystical depth to guide your path.


In the synthesis of Thomistic and mystical traditions, a young man discerning the priesthood finds a comprehensive guide. The intellectual rigor of St. Thomas Aquinas combines seamlessly with the profound mysticism of Thomas à Kempis, creating a roadmap for a balanced, purposeful, and spiritually rich discernment journey. Remember, it’s not about choosing one over the other but embracing the unity of these traditions to form a robust foundation for a life devoted to Christ’s service in the priesthood.

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