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Saint Michael the Archangel

The Feast of the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel is celebrated in the Traditional Catholic calendar on September 29th. This feast commemorates the dedication of a church in honor of St. Michael on Monte Gargano in Italy, one of the earliest shrines dedicated to the Archangel. It is a reminder of St. Michael’s role as the leader of the heavenly hosts in the battle against Satan and the forces of evil, as well as his role as protector of the Church and the faithful.

Historical Significance

The feast has its origins in the 5th century, when a mysterious apparition of St. Michael took place on Monte Gargano. According to tradition, around the year 490 AD, a wealthy landowner’s bull wandered into a cave on the mountain. Despite attempts to retrieve it, the bull could not be moved. After praying for guidance, the man received a vision of St. Michael, instructing him to build a sanctuary in the cave. Following this vision, several miraculous events occurred, leading to the establishment of a shrine in honor of St. Michael at that location.

The sanctuary on Monte Gargano became one of the most famous pilgrimage sites in Europe, and it was there that the original dedication of the church took place, giving rise to the annual celebration of the feast of St. Michael’s Dedication.

The Role of St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel is revered for several key roles in Catholic tradition:

1.  Defender of the Faith: As depicted in the Book of Revelation (12:7–9), St. Michael led the heavenly army in casting out Satan and his rebellious angels from Heaven. This makes him a powerful symbol of the triumph of good over evil.
2.  Protector of Souls: St. Michael is invoked as the protector of souls at the hour of death, entrusted with the task of leading the faithful to Heaven and guarding them against the powers of darkness.
3.  Guardian of the Church: As the defender of the people of God, St. Michael is especially honored as the guardian of the Church. His protection is invoked in times of spiritual warfare and danger, a theme reflected in the traditional St. Michael Prayer, composed by Pope Leo XIII.

Liturgical Significance

In the Traditional Latin Mass, the Feast of St. Michael includes special propers, readings, and prayers, emphasizing his role in the heavenly hierarchy and his intercession for the faithful. The Gospel reading for this feast is typically from St. Matthew (18:1–10), where Christ speaks of the angels guarding over the little ones, a reflection of St. Michael’s protective care for the Church and its members.

The Feast of the Dedication of St. Michael was originally focused on the specific shrine on Monte Gargano, but over time, it became a general feast in honor of the Archangel across the Western Church, combining elements of devotion to the angels with the celebration of his role in the life of the Church.

Spiritual Reflections

For Catholics, the feast is a reminder of the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil and the need for the faithful to invoke the aid of St. Michael in their daily lives. The Prayer to St. Michael is a key devotion often recited for protection against temptation, demonic influence, and spiritual attack.

Here is the traditional Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel:

Saint Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

This feast, and devotion to St. Michael more broadly, highlights the angelic assistance available to Christians in their fight against evil, encouraging them to remain steadfast in the faith and trust in God’s protection through His holy angels.


The Feast of the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel is a celebration of the Archangel’s powerful role in protecting the Church and defeating the forces of darkness. As a spiritual warrior, St. Michael serves as a model of fidelity to God, courage in the face of evil, and divine protection. This feast invites the faithful to deepen their devotion to the Archangel and to invoke his aid in the spiritual battles of everyday life.

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