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Saint John Eudes

Feast Day: August 19
Patronage: Missionaries, the Eudists, founders of seminaries, and the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity

Early Life and Vocation

St. John Eudes was born on November 14, 1601, in the village of Ri, in Normandy, France. From a young age, he displayed a deep piety and a fervent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. His parents, Isaac Eudes and Martha Corbin, were devout Catholics, and they raised him with a strong religious foundation.

At the age of 14, John felt a strong calling to the priesthood. He pursued his studies at the Jesuit College in Caen, where his intellect and spiritual maturity quickly became evident. In 1623, he joined the Oratory of Jesus, a congregation founded by Cardinal Pierre de Bérulle, which emphasized the formation of priests and the promotion of spiritual renewal in France.

Priesthood and Missionary Work

St. John Eudes was ordained a priest in 1625. Shortly after his ordination, France was struck by a series of deadly plagues. Demonstrating heroic charity, Fr. John Eudes volunteered to care for the sick, often placing himself at great personal risk. To avoid spreading the disease to others, he even lived in a barrel in the fields during the worst outbreaks.

His zeal for souls led him to become a missionary preacher, traveling throughout Normandy and other regions of France to conduct parish missions. These missions were not mere preaching tours; they were intense spiritual revivals aimed at bringing people back to the faith, emphasizing the need for repentance, conversion, and a deep personal relationship with Christ.

Devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

One of the most significant aspects of St. John Eudes’ spiritual legacy is his profound devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He was one of the first to promote public devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion that was later spread and popularized by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.

In 1643, he composed the first proper liturgical office and Mass in honor of the Sacred Hearts, making a lasting contribution to the Church’s liturgical life. He also fostered devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, understanding the inseparable union of the two Hearts and their central role in the salvation of mankind.

Founding of the Congregations

Recognizing the dire need for better formation among the clergy, St. John Eudes founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (commonly known as the Eudists) in 1643. The primary mission of this congregation was the formation of priests through sound seminary education, grounded in solid doctrine and deep spiritual life.

He also founded the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge, an order dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of women and girls in moral danger, providing them with a refuge and an opportunity to lead a renewed Christian life.

Writings and Spiritual Legacy

St. John Eudes was a prolific writer. His works, which include treatises on the priesthood, the interior life, and the devotion to the Sacred Hearts, reflect his deep theological insight and his passionate love for God. His most famous works include The Kingdom of Jesus and The Admirable Heart of Mary, both of which continue to inspire Christians today.

His spirituality was marked by a deep understanding of the mercy and love of God, and he tirelessly sought to spread this message to all whom he encountered. His life was one of total dedication to the service of God and the Church, characterized by his tireless zeal, deep humility, and profound charity.

Death and Canonization

St. John Eudes passed away on August 19, 1680, in Caen, France, after a life spent in the tireless service of God and neighbor. His influence continued to grow after his death, particularly through the Congregations he founded and the spread of devotion to the Sacred Hearts.

He was beatified by Pope St. Pius X in 1909 and canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 31, 1925. His feast day is celebrated on August 19, the anniversary of his death.

St. John Eudes is a shining example of a true shepherd of souls, whose life and work were entirely devoted to the love and service of Christ and His Church. His legacy lives on through the spiritual family he founded and the enduring devotions he promoted.

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