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Reflection on Jeremiah 7:1-7 and Luke 4:38-44

In the Spirit of Thursday in the Third Week of Lent

As we journey through Lent, the liturgy of Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam III in Quadragesima presents us with a stark warning from the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 7:1-7) and a powerful example of Christ’s healing and mission (Lk 4:38-44). These readings invite us to reflect on the sincerity of our worship, the necessity of true conversion, and the urgency of Christ’s salvific mission.

“Do Not Trust in Deceptive Words” (Jeremiah 7:1-7)

In this passage, the Lord, through the prophet Jeremiah, rebukes the people of Judah for their misplaced confidence in the Temple of the Lord. They believe that mere proximity to sacred places and rituals ensures their security while they continue in injustice, oppression, and idolatry.

“Trust ye not in lying words, saying: The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, it is the temple of the Lord.” (Jer 7:4)

This passage echoes the warnings of the Church Fathers. St. John Chrysostom admonishes those who rely on external rites without interior conversion:

“Not every house in which the name of God is pronounced is truly His temple, but only that which has the works of virtue. Many invoke Him with their lips, but deny Him by their deeds.” (Homily on Matthew 23)

Similarly, St. Augustine warns against a hypocritical piety devoid of justice:

“What does it avail to frequent the house of God with the body, if one is estranged from Him in heart?” (Sermon 88)

The Lord calls for true worship, one that manifests in acts of justice, mercy, and obedience. The people of Judah are reminded that if they amend their ways—ceasing to oppress the stranger, the widow, and the orphan—then God will let them dwell in the land. This is a call to authentic conversion, a theme central to the Lenten season.

The Healing Power of Christ and His Mission (Luke 4:38-44)

The Gospel presents Christ healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law and, by evening, countless others afflicted by disease and demonic possession. His power to heal and cast out demons reveals His divine authority, but even more striking is His relentless dedication to preaching the Kingdom of God.

After healing many, the people seek to keep Him in their town, but Christ replies:

“To other cities also I must preach the kingdom of God: for therefore am I sent.” (Lk 4:43)

Here, we see the tension between the people’s immediate desire for physical relief and Christ’s ultimate mission of proclaiming the Gospel. St. Ambrose comments on this passage, emphasizing that Christ’s mission was not confined to one place but extended to all:

“He teaches us that the grace of the Gospel is not restricted to one nation or people, but is for all. He who is the physician of souls must go where the sick are.” (Exposition of the Gospel of Luke, 4.76)

Likewise, St. Cyril of Alexandria highlights Christ’s divine urgency:

“Christ did not seek His own glory or personal ease, but always labored for the salvation of all, fulfilling the will of the Father who sent Him.” (Commentary on Luke, Homily 12)

As we reflect on this passage during Lent, we are reminded that Christ’s healing extends beyond physical ailments to the deeper wounds of sin. His mission is one of salvation, and He calls us to participate in it by spreading the Gospel through both word and action.

Lenten Application: A Call to Authentic Worship and Evangelization

These readings challenge us in two key ways:

  1. Authentic Worship Requires a Converted Heart
    Just as the people of Judah were warned against a false sense of security in external rites, we too must examine our Lenten practices. Are we merely performing outward acts of piety—fasting, prayer, almsgiving—without true interior conversion? The Fathers remind us that the true temple of God is the soul in a state of grace, and worship must be lived out in justice and charity.
  2. Like Christ, We Are Sent on Mission
    The urgency of Christ’s mission should stir us to action. As Pope St. Gregory the Great teaches: “He who receives the love of God must not keep it to himself, but must, as Christ did, hasten to share it with others.” (Homilies on the Gospels, 17.1)

Lent is a time not only for personal purification but also for a renewed commitment to evangelization—bringing the message of salvation to those in need, whether through direct proclamation or through works of mercy.


The warnings of Jeremiah and the mission of Christ converge in today’s Lenten reflection: we must not rely on external signs of faith while neglecting true righteousness, and we must embrace Christ’s urgency in spreading the Kingdom of God. Let this Lent be a time of genuine conversion and missionary zeal, following the example of Christ, who heals and calls all to salvation.

May the intercession of Our Lady and the wisdom of the Church Fathers guide us in this holy season. Ad majorem Dei gloriam.

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