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Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on November 21st and commemorates the dedication of Mary to God from her earliest childhood. Rooted in both tradition and pious reflection, this feast highlights the Blessed Virgin’s singular role in salvation history and her lifelong fidelity to God.

Historical and Liturgical Background:

  1. Origins of the Feast:
    The feast originates from the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James, which narrates that Mary was presented in the Temple in Jerusalem by her parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, when she was three years old. This act symbolized their gratitude to God for the gift of their child and their consecration of her to His service.
  2. Early Observance:
    The feast was first celebrated in the Eastern Church as early as the 6th century, particularly in connection with the dedication of the Church of Our Lady near the Temple in Jerusalem. It was later introduced to the Western Church in the 14th century by Pope Gregory XI and officially included in the Roman calendar by Pope Sixtus V in 1585.
  3. Liturgical Significance:
    This feast is an opportunity to reflect on Mary’s purity, humility, and total devotion to God, virtues that prepared her to be the Mother of God. It also invites the faithful to imitate her example of unwavering commitment to the divine will.

Spiritual Themes:

  • Dedication to God:
    Mary’s presentation symbolizes her complete surrender to God’s plan from the very beginning of her life. This prefigures her later fiat at the Annunciation.
  • A Model of Holiness:
    Mary exemplifies the virtues of faith, obedience, and charity, serving as a model for all Christians to live lives dedicated to God.
  • Temple of the Holy Spirit:
    Just as Mary was presented in the earthly Temple, she would herself become the living Temple of God, bearing Jesus Christ within her womb.

Reflections and Devotions:

  • Meditate on Mary’s Role in Salvation History: Reflect on how Mary’s early dedication prepared her for her unique mission as the Mother of the Redeemer.
  • Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, especially the first and fourth mysteries, which echo Mary’s purity and devotion.
  • Imitate Mary’s Virtues: Consider how you can dedicate your own life more fully to God’s service, following Mary’s example of humility and trust.

Prayer for the Feast:

O God, Who didst will that the Blessed Virgin Mary, dwelling in the temple, should be made the dwelling-place of the Holy Ghost: grant, we beseech Thee, that by her intercession we may be made temples worthy of Thy glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

This feast reminds us of the profound holiness of the Blessed Virgin and her unparalleled role in God’s plan for humanity, calling us to greater devotion and a deeper relationship with Christ through His Mother.

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