Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Saints Perpetua and Felicity were early Christian martyrs who died in Carthage (modern-day Tunisia) around 203 AD during the persecution
Saints Perpetua and Felicity were early Christian martyrs who died in Carthage (modern-day Tunisia) around 203 AD during the persecution
On this Thursday after Ash Wednesday (Feria V post Cineres), Holy Mother Church calls us to deepen our Lenten journey
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 118:95-96Me exspectavérunt peccatóres, ut pérderent me: testimónia tua, Dómine, intelléxi: omnis consummatiónis vidi finem: latum mandátum tuum nimis.Ps
Early Life and Irish Origins Saint Piran is believed to have been born in Ireland, possibly in the 5th or
On Feria Quarta Cinerum—Ash Wednesday—the Church places before us two powerful passages that call us to conversion: Joel 2:12-19 and
Ante Missam Benedictio cinerumAntiphona.Ps 68:17Exáudi nos, Dómine, quóniam benígna est misericórdia tua: secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum tuárum réspice nos, Dómine.Ps 68:2Salvum me
The Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes (1858) The story of Our Lady of Lourdes is among the
Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant In the sacred readings for the feast of the Apparition of the Blessed
In Apparitione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis ~ III. classisTempora: Feria III infra Hebdomadam V post Epiphaniam Ante Missam IntroitusApoc 21:2Vidi civitátem sanctam, Ierúsalem
Saint Scholastica, the twin sister of Saint Benedict of Nursia, is one of the great early monastic saints of the
As we continue through this sacred time after Epiphany, the Church presents us with passages that call us to spiritual
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 44:8Dilexísti iustítiam, et odísti iniquitátem: proptérea unxit te Deus, Deus tuus, óleo lætítiæ præ consórtibus tuis.Ps 44:2Eructávit cor
Saint Apollonia was a Christian martyr who suffered in Alexandria, Egypt, during the violent persecution of Christians in the year
As we enter the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Mother Church presents us with two profound passages for our meditation:
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 96:7-8Adoráte Deum, omnes Angeli eius: audívit, et lætáta est Sion: et exsultavérunt fíliæ Iudæ.Ps 96:1Dóminus regnávit, exsúltet terra:
Feast Day: February 8Patronage: Trinitarian Order, captives, the redemption of Christian slaves Early Life and Calling Saint John of Matha