Tridentine Mass Readings March 28, 2025: Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam III in Quadragesima
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 85:17.Fac mecum, Dómine, signum in bonum: ut vídeant, qui me oderunt, et confundántur: quóniam tu, Dómine, adiuvísti me
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 85:17.Fac mecum, Dómine, signum in bonum: ut vídeant, qui me oderunt, et confundántur: quóniam tu, Dómine, adiuvísti me
Early Life and Education St. John Chrysostom was born around 347 AD in Antioch (modern-day Turkey). His father, a high-ranking
In the Spirit of Thursday in the Third Week of Lent As we journey through Lent, the liturgy of Feria
Ante Missam IntroitusSalus pópuli ego sum, dicit Dóminus: de quacúmque tribulatióne clamáverint ad me, exáudiam eos: et ero illórum Dóminus in
Early Life and Education Saint Ludger was born around the year 742 in Friesland (modern-day Netherlands) to a noble and
On this Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent, the Church places before us two passages of Sacred Scripture that