Saint Jean de Brébeuf (1593–1649) – Apostle of the Hurons and Martyr of Charity
Early Life and Vocation Saint Jean de Brébeuf was born on March 25, 1593, in Condé-sur-Vire, Normandy, France, into a
Early Life and Vocation Saint Jean de Brébeuf was born on March 25, 1593, in Condé-sur-Vire, Normandy, France, into a
As we journey deeper into the holy season of Lent, the Church, in her wisdom, provides us with Scripture readings
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 24:6; 24:3; 24:22Reminíscere miseratiónum tuarum, Dómine, et misericórdiæ tuæ, quæ a sǽculo sunt: ne umquam dominéntur nobis inimíci
Feast Day: March 15Patronage: Vienna, Austria; Warsaw, Poland; bakers Early Life and Vocation Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (originally named John
As we enter the Ember Saturday of Lent (Sabbato Quattuor Temporum Quadragesimæ), Holy Mother Church calls us to a deeper
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 87:3Intret orátio mea in conspéctu tuo: inclína aurem tuam ad precem meam, Dómine.Ps 87:2Dómine, Deus salútis meæ: in
Feria III after the Ascension: A Time of Waiting and Witness The days following the Ascension of Our Lord are
INTROIT Ps. 26:7-9.Hear, O Lord, the sound of my call, alleluia; to You my heart speaks; Your glance I seek;
Early Life and Education: Saint Robert Bellarmine was born on October 4, 1542, in Montepulciano, Tuscany, Italy. He was the
In the serene aftermath of the Ascension, as the Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Robert Bellarmine, a towering figure
INTROIT Sir 15:5In the midst of the assembly he opened his mouth; and the Lord filled him with the spirit
n the mystical realms of Christian spirituality, few figures stand as luminously as the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her unique role
The Sunday after the Ascension occupies a unique place in the liturgical year, poised between the Ascension of Our Lord
INTROIT Ps. 26:7-9.Hear, O Lord, the sound of my call, alleluia; to You my heart speaks; Your glance I seek;
Saint Philip and Saint James the Less, both Apostles of Jesus Christ, are celebrated together on their feast day, May
As we find ourselves in the quiet, contemplative time between the Ascension of Our Lord and the descent of the