Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (1751–1820)
Feast Day: March 15Patronage: Vienna, Austria; Warsaw, Poland; bakers Early Life and Vocation Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (originally named John
Feast Day: March 15Patronage: Vienna, Austria; Warsaw, Poland; bakers Early Life and Vocation Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer (originally named John
As we enter the Ember Saturday of Lent (Sabbato Quattuor Temporum Quadragesimæ), Holy Mother Church calls us to a deeper
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 87:3Intret orátio mea in conspéctu tuo: inclína aurem tuam ad precem meam, Dómine.Ps 87:2Dómine, Deus salútis meæ: in
Early Life and Marriage Saint Matilda of Saxony was born around the year 895 into a noble and devout family
As we enter the sacred observance of Feria Sexta Quattuor Temporum—one of the Ember Days, traditionally marked by fasting, prayer,
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 24:17; 24:18De necessitátibus meis éripe me, Dómine: vide humilitátem meam et labórem meum, et dimítte ómnia peccáta mea.Ps
INTROIT Ps. 80:17He fed them with the best of wheat, alleluia: and filled them with honey from the rock, alleluia,
Pentecost, also known as Whitsunday, marks one of the most significant feasts in the Christian liturgical calendar. Celebrated fifty days
As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the liturgical readings from Acts 2:1-11 and John 14:23-31 invite us to delve
INTROIT Wis 1:7.The Spirit of the Lord fills the world, alleluia, is all-embracing, and knows man’s utterance, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.Ps.
The Vigil of Pentecost, marked as a day of fast and partial abstinence, holds a special place in the liturgical
Saturday after the Ascension As we reflect on the readings from Acts 19:1-8 and John 14:15-21 on this Saturday after
INTROIT Ez. 36:23-26.When I prove My holiness through you, I will gather you from all the foreign lands; and I
Early Life Saint Paschal Baylon was born on May 24, 1540, in Torrehermosa, a small village in the kingdom of
As we find ourselves in the sacred period between the Ascension and Pentecost, the readings for Feria VI after the
INTROIT Ps 36:30-31The mouth of the just man tells of wisdom, and his tongue utters what is right. The law