Saint Frances of Rome
Feast Day: March 9Patronage: Widows, Benedictine Oblates, Rome, automobile drivers Early Life and Marriage Saint Frances of Rome was born
Feast Day: March 9Patronage: Widows, Benedictine Oblates, Rome, automobile drivers Early Life and Marriage Saint Frances of Rome was born
As we enter the sacred season of Lent, the Church presents us with two profound passages for our meditation on
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 90:15; 90:16Invocábit me, et ego exáudiam eum: erípiam eum, et glorificábo eum: longitúdine diérum adimplébo eum.Ps 90:1Qui hábitat
Early Life and Conversion Saint John of God was born João Cidade in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, in 1495. At a young
In the Spirit of the Saturday after Ash Wednesday As we enter the holy season of Lent, the Church in
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 36:30-31Os iusti meditábitur sapiéntiam, et lingua eius loquétur iudícium: lex Dei eius in corde ipsíus.Ps 36:1Noli æmulári in
INTROIT Heb 4:16Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find
St. Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal (1572–1641) was a French noblewoman, widow, mother, and eventually a religious foundress, renowned for
In the spirit of the Feria IV after the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the readings from Proverbs 31:10-31 and Matthew
INTROIT Ps 118:75; 118:120I know, O Lord, that Your ordinances are just, and in Your faithfulness You have afflicted me.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Abbot, Doctor of the Church, and Mellifluous Doctor Feast Day: August 20Born: 1090, Fontaine-lès-Dijon, Burgundy, FranceDied:
In the spirit of the Feria III after the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, we are invited to meditate deeply on
INTROIT Ecclus 15:5In the midst of the assembly he opened his mouth; and the Lord filled him with the spirit
Feast Day: August 19Patronage: Missionaries, the Eudists, founders of seminaries, and the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity Early Life
In the liturgical spirit of Feria II after the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the readings from Sirach 31:8-11 and Luke
INTROIT Ps 36:30-31The mouth of the just man tells of wisdom, and his tongue utters what is right. The law