Saint John of God (1495–1550) – Patron of the Sick and Hospitals
Early Life and Conversion Saint John of God was born João Cidade in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, in 1495. At a young
Early Life and Conversion Saint John of God was born João Cidade in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, in 1495. At a young
In the Spirit of the Saturday after Ash Wednesday As we enter the holy season of Lent, the Church in
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 36:30-31Os iusti meditábitur sapiéntiam, et lingua eius loquétur iudícium: lex Dei eius in corde ipsíus.Ps 36:1Noli æmulári in
Early Life and Formation Saint Thomas Aquinas was born around 1225 in the castle of Roccasecca, near Aquino in the
As we continue our journey through Lent, the readings of today’s liturgy invite us to meditate on the surpassing value
Ante Missam IntroitusEccli 15:5In médio Ecclésiæ apéruit os eius: et implévit eum Dóminus spíritu sapiéntiæ et intelléctus: stolam glóriæ índuit eum.Ps
Feast Day: January 11Reign as Pope: c. 138–142 ADMartyrdom: Though often listed as a martyr, early sources do not confirm
On this Saturday devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we pause to contemplate her role in the economy of salvation
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 44:13; 44:15; 44:16Vultum tuum deprecabúntur omnes dívites plebis: adducéntur Regi Vírgines post eam: próximæ eius adducéntur tibi in
Early Life and Noble RootsAdèle de Batz de Trenquelléon was born on June 10, 1789, in Feugarolles, France, to a
Isaiah 60:1-6 & Matthew 2:1-12 The solemnity of Epiphany, traditionally celebrated on January 6 and sometimes observed on the Sunday
Ante Missam IntroitusMalach 3:1; 1 Par 29:12Ecce, advénit dominátor Dóminus: et regnum in manu eius et potéstas et impérium.Ps 71:1Deus,
Saint Julian and his Companions are revered as martyrs of the early Church who gave their lives for the faith
In the Spirit of Die Nona Januarii The celebration of Die Nona Januarii, or the Ninth Day of January, echoes
Ante Missam IntroitusMalach 3:1; 1 Par 29:12Ecce, advénit dominátor Dóminus: et regnum in manu eius et potéstas et impérium.Ps 71:1Deus,
St. Thorfinn (d. 1285) was a 13th-century Norwegian bishop celebrated for his piety, humility, and dedication to the Church. His