St. John Chrysostom
Early Life and Education St. John Chrysostom was born around 347 AD in Antioch (modern-day Turkey). His father, a high-ranking
Early Life and Education St. John Chrysostom was born around 347 AD in Antioch (modern-day Turkey). His father, a high-ranking
In the Spirit of Thursday in the Third Week of Lent As we journey through Lent, the liturgy of Feria
Ante Missam IntroitusSalus pópuli ego sum, dicit Dóminus: de quacúmque tribulatióne clamáverint ad me, exáudiam eos: et ero illórum Dóminus in
Early Life and Education Saint Ludger was born around the year 742 in Friesland (modern-day Netherlands) to a noble and
On this Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent, the Church places before us two passages of Sacred Scripture that
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 30:7-8.Ego autem in Dómino sperábo: exsultábo et lætábor in tua misericórdia: quia respexísti humilitátem meam.Ps 39:2In te, Dómine,
Early Life and Education St. John Chrysostom was born around 347 AD in Antioch (modern-day Turkey). His father, a high-ranking
In the Spirit of Thursday in the Third Week of Lent As we journey through Lent, the liturgy of Feria
Ante Missam IntroitusSalus pópuli ego sum, dicit Dóminus: de quacúmque tribulatióne clamáverint ad me, exáudiam eos: et ero illórum Dóminus in
Early Life and Education Saint Ludger was born around the year 742 in Friesland (modern-day Netherlands) to a noble and
On this Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent, the Church places before us two passages of Sacred Scripture that
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 30:7-8.Ego autem in Dómino sperábo: exsultábo et lætábor in tua misericórdia: quia respexísti humilitátem meam.Ps 39:2In te, Dómine,
The Feast of the Annunciation is one of the most ancient and solemn celebrations in the Church, commemorating the moment
On March 25th, Holy Mother Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciation, a feast that marks the moment when the
Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam III in Quadragesima Sancta Missa Rubrics 1960 – 1960 Ante Missam IntroitusPs 44:13; 44:15; 44:16Vultum tuum deprecabúntur omnes
Feast Day: March 24Born: c. 1331, SwedenDied: March 24, 1381, Vadstena, SwedenPatronage: Against miscarriages Early Life and Family Saint Catherine