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Reflection on Exodus 23:20-23 and Matthew 18:1-10: The Role of Holy Angels in Our Salvation

As we commemorate the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels on Feria IV after the XIX Sunday after Pentecost, our readings from Exodus 23:20-23 and Matthew 18:1-10 draw us into a deeper understanding of God’s providential care for humanity, particularly through the ministry of angels. The Church, in her wisdom, has paired these passages to highlight the angelic role in guiding, protecting, and interceding for us on our journey toward salvation.

Exodus 23:20-23: God’s Promise of Angelic Guidance

In Exodus 23:20-23, God speaks to the Israelites, saying:
“Behold, I send an angel before you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place which I have prepared.”
This passage affirms the role of angels as protectors and guides, a reality that resonates throughout Scripture and the Tradition of the Church. St. Gregory the Great, commenting on this verse, interprets the “angel” not merely as any angelic being, but as a prefiguration of Christ Himself, the Angel of the Covenant who leads His people to the promised inheritance. Gregory writes:
“He Who is designated as the angel of great counsel is our Lord and Saviour, who is truly an angel in the sense that He is the messenger of the Father.” (Homilies on the Gospels, 34)

Thus, we are reminded that while angels minister to us, they do so under the authority of Christ, who is the ultimate guide of souls. The Church Fathers often saw the “place prepared” not only as the earthly Promised Land for Israel but as a symbol of Heaven, to which all Christians are being led by God’s grace and the ministry of angels.

Matthew 18:1-10: The Humility of the Child and the Care of the Angels

In Matthew 18:1-10, Jesus teaches His disciples about the importance of humility by placing a child in their midst, saying:
“Unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
This emphasis on childlike humility is linked to the presence of angels, as Jesus later remarks in verse 10:
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.”
Here, Jesus reveals the intimate connection between the angels and those who embody humility, purity, and trust in God—traits most clearly represented by children. St. John Chrysostom reflects on this passage, emphasizing the dignity of even the weakest among us:
“It is not only men but angels who care for the little ones. The angels, who stand before the very face of God, are appointed to guard them. Therefore, let us not think lightly of them or of those like them.” (Homily 60 on Matthew)

This passage underscores a profound truth: our guardian angels are continually in the presence of God, advocating for us, especially when we strive to imitate the virtues of the “little ones.” The humility Christ calls for is essential because it aligns us with the angels, who themselves live in constant worship and obedience to God’s will.

The Ministry of Angels: A Call to Trust and Humility

Together, these readings lead us to a deeper appreciation for the role of angels in our spiritual lives. The angels are sent by God to protect us from danger, to lead us on the path to salvation, and to encourage us in holiness. The words of Exodus remind us that we are not alone on our pilgrimage; an angel is always guiding us to the “place prepared” by God. The Gospel of Matthew, meanwhile, challenges us to embrace the humility of children, knowing that our guardian angels, who behold the face of God, are always with us to help us in this task.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, whose devotion to the angels is well known, encourages us to cultivate a profound reverence for these heavenly beings:
“Let us affectionately love His angels as one day our future coheirs, and in the meantime our guardians and trustees appointed and set over us by the Father.” (Sermon on the Holy Guardian Angels)
For Bernard, the angels are not distant or impersonal beings but companions on the road to eternity, sharing in our journey and providing unseen assistance in all things.

A Practical Takeaway: Honoring the Holy Guardian Angels

In light of these readings and the reflections of the Fathers, how can we honor the Holy Guardian Angels in our daily lives?

1.  Daily Prayer: Develop the habit of praying to your guardian angel, asking for guidance and protection. The traditional prayer, Angel of God, is a simple yet powerful way to acknowledge their presence in your life.
2.  Humility: Cultivate the childlike virtues of humility and trust in God. As Christ taught, these virtues open us to the care and assistance of the angels.
3.  Gratitude: Take moments throughout the day to thank your guardian angel for the ways—both seen and unseen—that they protect and guide you. This cultivates a deeper awareness of God’s providence in your life.

In the end, the ministry of the angels calls us to a life of greater trust in God and His divine plan. As we honor the Holy Guardian Angels on this Feria, let us remember their constant presence and assistance, trusting that they are leading us to the eternal “place prepared” for us by God.

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