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St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandmother of Jesus Christ, holds a venerable place in Christian tradition and devotion. Her life is primarily known through apocryphal texts, such as the Protoevangelium of James, and through tradition passed down by the Church.

Early Life and Marriage

St. Anne, whose name means “grace,” was born into the lineage of David. She married Joachim, a pious and wealthy man of the tribe of Judah. The couple lived in Nazareth, and their marriage was marked by a deep devotion to God and a longing for children. For many years, Anne and Joachim were childless, which was considered a significant trial and a source of great sorrow.

The Birth of Mary

In their old age, after fervent prayers and supplications, an angel appeared to both Anne and Joachim, announcing that they would have a child who would be blessed among women. St. Anne conceived and gave birth to Mary, who would later become the mother of Jesus Christ. The birth of Mary was seen as a miraculous event, a special grace from God. Tradition holds that Anne dedicated Mary to the Lord from an early age, leading her to live a life of purity and devotion.

Veneration and Legacy

St. Anne’s life, though not extensively detailed in Scripture, is celebrated for her role in the divine plan of salvation. She is honored as the protector of mothers and the patroness of childless women, expectant mothers, and homemakers. Her example of faith, patience, and maternal care has inspired countless generations.

Feast Days and Devotion

The feast day of St. Anne is celebrated on July 26th in the Latin Church. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, she is also honored on this day. Devotion to St. Anne is widespread, with numerous churches, shrines, and confraternities dedicated to her. Among the most famous shrines is the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré in Quebec, Canada, which attracts pilgrims from around the world seeking her intercession.


In Christian art, St. Anne is often depicted with her daughter Mary, emphasizing her role in nurturing the future Mother of God. She is sometimes shown teaching Mary, symbolizing the transmission of faith and wisdom.

Prayer to St. Anne

Devotees often seek St. Anne’s intercession through prayer, asking for her support in family matters, for the grace to be good parents, and for help in times of need. One traditional prayer is:

“O glorious St. Anne, you are filled with compassion for those who invoke you and with love for those who suffer. Heavily burdened with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take my present necessity under your special protection. Please recommend it to your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day seeing my God face to face and with you and Mary and all the saints praising and blessing Him for all eternity. Amen.”


St. Anne’s life is a testament to faith and the providence of God. Her example continues to inspire and guide the faithful, reminding us of the virtues of patience, devotion, and the importance of family in God’s plan.

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