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Reflecting on Wisdom and the Call to Holiness: A Meditation for Feria II After the Ascension and the Feast of Saint Robert Bellarmine

In the serene aftermath of the Ascension, as the Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Robert Bellarmine, a towering figure of the Counter-Reformation and a Doctor of the Church, we are beckoned to reflect deeply on two profound passages of Scripture: Wisdom 7:7-14 and Matthew 5:13-19. These readings not only resonate with the themes of wisdom and righteousness but also call us to a higher standard of living our faith, particularly apt as we honor a saint so committed to the defense of the Church and the illumination of its teachings.

Wisdom 7:7-14: The Divine Gift of Wisdom

In the Book of Wisdom, Solomon’s prayer for wisdom is a poignant reminder of the true source of insight and understanding. He chooses wisdom over scepters and thrones, recognizing its invaluable worth. Wisdom, described as being more precious than health and beauty, and more to be chosen than light, is the principal thing. This passage not only extols the virtues of wisdom but also emphasizes its divine origin and its role as a guide to righteousness.

Saint Robert Bellarmine, whose intellectual rigor and spiritual depth were central to his life and work, embodied the pursuit of heavenly wisdom. His extensive writings, which sought to clarify and defend the doctrines of the Church during tumultuous times, were undergirded by a deep commitment to divine truth, much like Solomon’s preference for wisdom over earthly kingship. As modern-day followers of Christ, the call to seek and value divine wisdom above all earthly treasures resonates deeply, urging us towards a life of deeper understanding and communion with God.

Matthew 5:13-19: Called to Be Salt and Light

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ sermon on the mount presents us with a vivid metaphor: His followers are to be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” This imagery is powerful and multifaceted. Salt preserves and flavors, suggesting that Christians are to preserve against moral decay and add spiritual richness to the world. Light illuminates, revealing truth and guiding paths; thus, Christians are to bear witness to the truth and lead others towards it.

The passage also touches on the law – not to abolish it, but to fulfill it. This fulfillment is deeply connected to our call to holiness, to a perfection that echoes divine completeness. Saint Robert Bellarmine lived this call fervently, defending the laws of the Church and interpreting them to the faithful, always pointing back to Christ as the ultimate fulfiller of the law.

Emulating Saint Robert Bellarmine in Our Pursuit of Holiness

As we reflect on these scriptures in the light of Saint Robert Bellarmine’s feast, we are reminded of the continual call to pursue holiness through wisdom and righteousness. In a world fraught with moral and spiritual challenges, the wisdom of Solomon and the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount provide a blueprint for living out our faith with integrity and zeal.

Saint Robert, a man of deep conviction and scholarly wisdom, exemplifies the kind of Christian life we are all called to lead—one that is deeply rooted in understanding and interpreting the Divine Word, not as a means to end but as a way to transform our lives and the world around us.

On this Feria II after the Ascension, as we look towards Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit, let us pray for the same wisdom that Solomon cherished and the strength to be salt and light in our communities, following the admirable example of Saint Robert Bellarmine. In doing so, we not only honor his legacy but also contribute to the unfolding Kingdom of God, where divine law and love reign supreme.

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