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Reflecting on Passion Week: A Journey Through Leviticus and the Gospel of John

As we enter into the solemnity and introspection of Passion Week, our hearts and minds are drawn to the profound messages of sacrifice, redemption, and divine love that permeate this sacred time. In this reflection, we delve into the rich tapestry of scripture, specifically Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, 25, and John 10:22-38, to uncover the timeless lessons these passages offer to the faithful, especially in the context of Passion Week.

The Call to Holiness: Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, 25

In Leviticus, God speaks to Moses, commanding him to instruct the Israelites, “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy” (Lev 19:2). This profound call to holiness is not merely an aspirational ideal but a tangible set of ethical and moral standards that reflect God’s own nature. The verses that follow outline specific commandments, ranging from respect for parents and observance of the Sabbath to prohibitions against theft, deceit, and hatred. These laws are not arbitrary; they are the divine blueprint for a community built on justice, charity, and compassion—qualities that are especially poignant during Passion Week.

As we reflect on Christ’s passion, the call to holiness in Leviticus invites us to consider our own adherence to these divine precepts. Are we, like Christ, instruments of God’s love and justice in the world? Do our actions reflect the holiness to which we are called, particularly in our treatment of the vulnerable, our honesty, and our capacity for forgiveness?

The Good Shepherd: John 10:22-38

In the Gospel of John, we encounter Jesus during the Feast of Dedication, in the heart of Jerusalem. Amidst the growing tension and disbelief, Jesus reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd, an image that resonates deeply with the themes of Passion Week. He speaks of the intimate knowledge He has of His sheep and the unbreakable bond between them, a bond sealed by the ultimate sacrifice: “I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:15).

This passage not only highlights Christ’s willingness to suffer for humanity but also His divine authority and unity with the Father. In the face of doubt and accusations of blasphemy, Jesus points to His works as evidence of His divine mission, inviting us to see and believe.

During Passion Week, this portrayal of Jesus as the Good Shepherd takes on a profound significance. It reminds us of the depth of Christ’s love—a love so vast that it encompasses the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. In His suffering and death, we are called to recognize the breadth of divine love and the call to follow Him with faith and trust, even in the face of suffering and adversity.

A Call to Reflection

As we journey through Passion Week, let these scriptures from Leviticus and John guide our meditation. The call to holiness and the image of the Good Shepherd offer rich material for reflection on our own lives and faith. They challenge us to live out our call to holiness in our daily actions, to embody the virtues of compassion, justice, and love, and to follow Christ with the trust and confidence of His sheep, even unto the Cross.

In this sacred week, let us draw closer to the heart of our faith, embracing the profound mysteries of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. May we emerge from this week renewed in spirit, committed to living out our holy calling, and ever more deeply rooted in the love of Christ, our Good Shepherd.

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