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Reflecting with the Seven Holy Servite Founders: A Journey Through Ecclus 44:1-15 and Matt 19:27-29

In the quietude of our hearts, where the whispers of the past intertwine with the echoes of eternity, we find ourselves walking in the spiritual footsteps of the Seven Holy Servite Founders. These venerable men, moved by an unquenchable thirst for the Divine, remind us of the profound journey of faith and sacrifice. Today, we delve into the sacred texts of Ecclus (Sirach) 44:1-15 and Matthew 19:27-29, guided by their luminous example, to glean insights into our own spiritual journey.

In the Footsteps of the Righteous: Ecclus 44:1-15

“Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers in their generations…” (Ecclus 44:1). This passage from Sirach serves as a clarion call to remember and honor those who have walked before us in faith. The Seven Holy Founders heeded this call, leaving behind their worldly concerns to pursue a life wholly dedicated to prayer and service to Mary, the Mother of God. Their journey reminds us that the path of righteousness, though often marked by sacrifice and suffering, is illuminated by the grace of God’s glory.

The passage speaks of men whose “good deeds have not been forgotten,” whose “wealth will remain with their descendants” (Ecclus 44:11). In reflecting upon these words, we are invited to consider the legacy of faith we are called to leave behind. The Seven Holy Founders did not seek earthly riches or acclaim; instead, they sought to enrich the world with a spiritual heritage, a testament to their devotion and sanctity.

The Promise of Eternal Reward: Matt 19:27-29

Transitioning to the Gospel of Matthew, we encounter Peter’s poignant inquiry to Jesus: “See, we have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?” (Matt 19:27). Jesus responds with a promise that transcends the temporal: “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life” (Matt 19:29).

This promise resonates deeply with the spirit of the Seven Holy Founders. Their radical choice to forsake all for the love of Christ mirrors the apostolic sacrifice and hope encapsulated in Jesus’ words. It is a vivid reminder that our ultimate treasure lies not in the ephemeral, but in the eternal embrace of God’s kingdom.

Embracing Our Spiritual Heritage

As we reflect on these passages through the prism of the Seven Holy Servite Founders’ lives, we are reminded of the enduring call to holiness that pervades every age. Their legacy is a beacon, guiding us towards a life of deeper prayer, community, and service. In honoring their memory, we are inspired to cultivate our own spiritual garden, planting seeds of faith, hope, and love that will bear fruit for generations to come.

Let us then, with hearts enkindled by their example, recommit ourselves to the journey of faith. May we, like the revered founders and the righteous of old, leave behind a legacy that echoes in eternity, a testament to the transformative power of living in the fullness of God’s love and promise.

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