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Saint Frances of Rome

Feast Day: March 9
Patronage: Widows, Benedictine Oblates, Rome, automobile drivers

Early Life and Marriage

Saint Frances of Rome was born in 1384 into a noble Roman family. From a young age, she desired to enter religious life, but in obedience to her family’s wishes, she was married at the age of 13 to Lorenzo Ponziani, a nobleman of great virtue and kindness. Though this was not her original desire, Frances accepted her vocation as a wife and mother with humility, seeing it as God’s will for her.

Despite her high status in Roman society, Frances lived a life of prayer, humility, and service. She found a kindred spirit in her sister-in-law, Vannozza, and together, they dedicated themselves to works of charity, assisting the sick and poor of Rome.

Trials and Charity

Frances’ life was marked by suffering. She lost two of her children to the plague, and during the conflicts between papal and imperial factions, her husband was wounded and exiled. These trials only deepened her trust in God. She transformed her home into a hospital, caring for the sick with great tenderness.

She was also blessed with mystical experiences, including visions of her guardian angel, who guided her in her works of charity. These visions were so frequent that she is often depicted with an angel by her side.

The Oblates of Mary

As her children grew older, Frances sought to live a more structured religious life while still fulfilling her duties as a wife. She founded the Oblates of Mary (later called the Oblates of Saint Frances of Rome), a group of laywomen dedicated to prayer and service, living in the world without taking formal religious vows.

After her husband’s death in 1436, Frances retired to live among the Oblates at Tor de’ Specchi, a house she had established for them. She spent the last years of her life in deep prayer and service.

Death and Canonization

Saint Frances of Rome passed away on March 9, 1440. Her sanctity was widely recognized, and she was canonized by Pope Paul V in 1608.


Saint Frances is a model of holiness in marriage and religious life, showing that sanctity can be attained through fidelity to one’s state in life. She exemplifies how suffering, when embraced with faith, can be transformed into a path to deeper union with Christ.

She is also honored as the patroness of automobile drivers, due to her guardian angel’s visible guidance, which seemed to light her path in the darkness.

Prayer to Saint Frances of Rome
O glorious Saint Frances of Rome, through the trials and sufferings of your life, you remained steadfast in faith and charity. Obtain for us the grace to love God above all things and to serve our neighbor with humility and devotion. May your example inspire us to follow God’s will in all things. Amen.

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