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Saint John of God (1495–1550) – Patron of the Sick and Hospitals

Early Life and Conversion

Saint John of God was born João Cidade in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, in 1495. At a young age, he left home and wandered through Spain, working as a shepherd, soldier, and bookseller. His life was one of adventure and, at times, moral laxity. However, after hearing a sermon by the great preacher Saint John of Ávila, he was struck with deep remorse for his past sins. Overcome with compunction, he publicly beat himself and cried for mercy, leading people to think he was mad. He was confined in a hospital for the insane, where he experienced firsthand the terrible treatment of the mentally ill.

A Life of Charity

Once released, John felt a call to devote his life to the sick and poor. He settled in Granada, Spain, and began a mission of serving the most destitute. He begged for alms to support the suffering, treating the ill with great tenderness. His radical charity attracted disciples and benefactors, leading to the founding of the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, a religious order dedicated to hospital work.

Trials and Miracles

John’s life was marked by extraordinary acts of self-sacrifice. He would carry the sick on his shoulders, give away his own food, and even risk his life to save people from fires. He was known for miraculous healings and divine visions. Once, an angel appeared to him as a beggar, testing his charity. Another time, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him, encouraging him in his mission.

Death and Canonization

Saint John of God died on March 8, 1550, after falling ill from exhaustion in his service to the sick. He was canonized by Pope Alexander VIII in 1690 and is honored as the patron of hospitals, the sick, nurses, and firefighters.

Spiritual Legacy

His order, the Hospitaller Brothers, continues his mission worldwide, operating hospitals and care centers in his name. His life remains a shining example of Christ-like compassion and heroic charity.

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