Saint John of God (1495–1550) – Patron of the Sick and Hospitals
Early Life and Conversion Saint John of God was born João Cidade in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, in 1495. At a young
Early Life and Conversion Saint John of God was born João Cidade in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, in 1495. At a young
In the Spirit of the Saturday after Ash Wednesday As we enter the holy season of Lent, the Church in
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 36:30-31Os iusti meditábitur sapiéntiam, et lingua eius loquétur iudícium: lex Dei eius in corde ipsíus.Ps 36:1Noli æmulári in
Early Life and Formation Saint Thomas Aquinas was born around 1225 in the castle of Roccasecca, near Aquino in the
As we continue our journey through Lent, the readings of today’s liturgy invite us to meditate on the surpassing value
Ante Missam IntroitusEccli 15:5In médio Ecclésiæ apéruit os eius: et implévit eum Dóminus spíritu sapiéntiæ et intelléctus: stolam glóriæ índuit eum.Ps
St. Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles, is venerated as the Apostle who touched the wounds of Christ and declared
In the Spirit of Sabbato Quattuor Temporum in Adventu The Ember Days of Advent call us to deeper reflection and
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 138:17Mihi autem nimis honoráti sunt amíci tui, Deus: nimis confortátus est principátus eórum.Ps 138:1-2.Dómine, probásti me et cognovísti
Feast Day: December 20 Patronage: Defender of Orthodoxy and Exemplar of Pastoral Care Era: Late 3rd – Early 4th Century
In the spirit of Feria VI Quattuor Temporum in Adventu, the Church turns her heart toward the mystery of the
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 118:151-152Prope es tu, Dómine, et omnes viæ tuæ véritas: inítio cognóvi de testimóniis tuis, quia in ætérnum tu
Saint Nemesion is a saint of the Catholic Church whose life and martyrdom are commemorated for his steadfast faith and
As the Church draws closer to the Nativity of Our Lord, the readings for this time are suffused with the
Ante Missam IntroitusPhil 4:4-6Gaudéte in Dómino semper: íterum dico, gaudéte. Modéstia vestra nota sit ómnibus homínibus: Dóminus enim prope est.
Feast Day: December 18Titles: Bishop of Tours, Apostle of the Touraine Life and Mission St. Gatian, a 3rd-century saint, was