Saint Leander of Seville
Feast Day: March 13 Patronage: Seville, Spain Early Life and Background Saint Leander was born in Cartagena, Spain, around the
Feast Day: March 13 Patronage: Seville, Spain Early Life and Background Saint Leander was born in Cartagena, Spain, around the
As we journey through the first week of Lent, Holy Mother Church, in her wisdom, presents us with two readings
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 95:6Conféssio et pulchritúdo in conspéctu eius: sánctitas et magnificéntia in sanctificatióne eius.Ps 95:1Cantáte Dómino cánticum novum: cantáte Dómino,
Early Life and Divine Calling Gregory was born around 540 AD into a noble Roman family with a strong Christian
The Ember Days, particularly those of Lent, remind us of the penitential and sacrificial nature of the priesthood, a theme
Ante Missam IntroitusIoann 21:15-17Si díligis me, Simon Petre, pasce agnos meos, pasce oves meas.Ps 29:2Exaltábo te, Dómine, quóniam suscepísti me, nec
Saint Bruno of Cologne (c. 1030–1101) is best known as the founder of the Carthusian Order, a monastic community dedicated
The readings from Ephesians 5:15-21 and John 4:46-53, which often accompany the XX Sunday after Pentecost, invite us into a
INTROIT Dan 3:31; 3:29; 3:35All that You have done to us, O Lord, You have done in true judgment; because