Saint Casimir of Poland (1458–1484)
Saint Casimir, the patron saint of Poland, Lithuania, and youth, was a prince renowned for his piety, chastity, and deep
Saint Casimir, the patron saint of Poland, Lithuania, and youth, was a prince renowned for his piety, chastity, and deep
In the Office of Lauds, the Commemoratio serves as a solemn remembrance of the saints and the virtues they embody.
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 36:30-31Os iusti meditábitur sapiéntiam, et lingua eius loquétur iudícium: lex Dei eius in corde ipsíus.Ps 36:1Noli æmulári in
Saint Katharine Drexel (1858–1955)Feast Day: March 3Patronage: Philanthropy, racial justice, Native Americans, African Americans Early Life and CallingSaint Katharine Drexel
As we enter the second day of Quinquagesima Week, the liturgy invites us to meditate on two profound passages: St.
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 30:3-4Esto mihi in Deum protectórem, et in locum refúgii, ut salvum me fácias: quóniam firmaméntum meum et
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a central devotion within Catholic tradition, deeply rooted in both Scripture
In the Spirit of the Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostCommemoration of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary In the
INTROIT Ps 118:137; 118:124You are just, O Lord, and Your ordinance is right. Deal with Your servant according to Your