Tridentine Mass March 6, 2025: Commemoratio: Feria V post Cineres
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 118:95-96Me exspectavérunt peccatóres, ut pérderent me: testimónia tua, Dómine, intelléxi: omnis consummatiónis vidi finem: latum mandátum tuum nimis.Ps
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 118:95-96Me exspectavérunt peccatóres, ut pérderent me: testimónia tua, Dómine, intelléxi: omnis consummatiónis vidi finem: latum mandátum tuum nimis.Ps
Early Life and Irish Origins Saint Piran is believed to have been born in Ireland, possibly in the 5th or
On Feria Quarta Cinerum—Ash Wednesday—the Church places before us two powerful passages that call us to conversion: Joel 2:12-19 and
Ante Missam Benedictio cinerumAntiphona.Ps 68:17Exáudi nos, Dómine, quóniam benígna est misericórdia tua: secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum tuárum réspice nos, Dómine.Ps 68:2Salvum me
Saint Casimir, the patron saint of Poland, Lithuania, and youth, was a prince renowned for his piety, chastity, and deep
In the Office of Lauds, the Commemoratio serves as a solemn remembrance of the saints and the virtues they embody.
St. Eulogius of Córdoba († 859) is a significant figure in the hagiography of the early Spanish Church, known for
In the readings for Feria VI after the XVI Sunday after Pentecost, we encounter two profound messages of humility and
INTROIT Ps 85:3; 85:5Have pity on me, O Lord, for to You I call all the day; for You, O