Saint Matilda of Saxony (c. 895–968) – Queen and Widow
Early Life and Marriage Saint Matilda of Saxony was born around the year 895 into a noble and devout family
Early Life and Marriage Saint Matilda of Saxony was born around the year 895 into a noble and devout family
As we enter the sacred observance of Feria Sexta Quattuor Temporum—one of the Ember Days, traditionally marked by fasting, prayer,
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 24:17; 24:18De necessitátibus meis éripe me, Dómine: vide humilitátem meam et labórem meum, et dimítte ómnia peccáta mea.Ps
Feast Day: March 13 Patronage: Seville, Spain Early Life and Background Saint Leander was born in Cartagena, Spain, around the
As we journey through the first week of Lent, Holy Mother Church, in her wisdom, presents us with two readings
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 95:6Conféssio et pulchritúdo in conspéctu eius: sánctitas et magnificéntia in sanctificatióne eius.Ps 95:1Cantáte Dómino cánticum novum: cantáte Dómino,
In the array of theological discourse, few threads are as richly interwoven as the concepts of mercy and justice, especially
In the serene contemplation of Sacred Scripture, we find ourselves journeying with Saint Paul through his eloquent discourse on love
INTROIT Ps 30:3-4Be my rock of refuge, O God, a stronghold to give me safety. You are my rock and