Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313–386) – Bishop, Theologian, and Doctor of the Church
Early Life and Background Saint Cyril of Jerusalem was born around the year 313, likely in or near Jerusalem. He
Early Life and Background Saint Cyril of Jerusalem was born around the year 313, likely in or near Jerusalem. He
The readings for today’s Mass, taken from 3 Kings (1 Kings) 17:8-16 and Matthew 23:1-12, present a striking contrast between
Ante Missam IntroitusPs 26:8; 26:9Tibi dixit cor meum, quæsívi vultum tuum. vultum tuum, Dómine, requíram: ne avértas fáciem tuam a me.Ps
Early Life and Captivity (c. 385 – 405 AD) Saint Patrick was born around 385 AD in Roman Britain, likely
On this Monday of the Second Week in Lent, the Church invites us to meditate on the faithfulness of God’s
Ante Missam IntroitusEccli 45:30Státuit ei Dóminus testaméntum pacis, et príncipem fecit eum: ut sit illi sacerdótii dígnitas in ætérnum.Ps 131:1.Meménto, Dómine,
In reflecting on the passages from the Book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) and the Gospel of Luke, we are invited into
INTROIT Sir 45:30The Lord made a covenant of friendship with him, and made him a prince; that he should possess